BadgeOS Social Sharing Add-on

Group Management

The Group Management Add-on for BadgeOS evolved because school districts wanted to build one BadgeOS site, set up various achievements and learning pathways for all students and give principals and teachers the ability to manage only their student’s submissions. Group Management allows that!

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While this was built specifically for schools we think this can work for any similar large group set up. Think about a company that has multiple departments, managers, and employees. How about the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts or 4H? A large group with a state-wide chapter (perhaps), a regional leader (more than likely), and a troop leader (definitely). With the Group Management add-on your “School Admin” and “Teacher” can see all submissions (for verification or approval) and all reports of badges students have earned. On the back end “School Admins” and “Teachers” can also issue to or revoke badges from students in their school or group.


This add-on allows for multiple groups within your BadgeOS site and the right permissions for management, approval, and reporting of each group.






If you do not already have the free BadgeOS plugin™ plugin (version 1.4.8 or higher) activated, you will need to do so before using this Add-on.


Version 1.0



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If you have any questions about this addon, feel free to post in our public forum. You may also find answers to questions posted by other users. To read the addon FAQs, you can see the docs section.