BadgeOS Support 2013-09-06T23:24:14-04:00

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  • BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi Manuel

    1. When looking trough the plugins I noticed that the “BadgeOS Group Management Add-On” is behaving strangely. It shows as not activated, even if I activate it (and get a success massage). The BadgeOS Group Management menu however does appear (plugin still listed as not activated), but if I try to access roles or schools I’m notified that I don’t have permission (I’m superadmin for the site). The BadgeOS Group Management menu also disappear if a click away from the plugin page, and I have to activate the plugin again (success! but not activated…) for I two temporary show upp again…
      >> BadgeOS Group Management Addon requires buddypress to be activated. Install and configure BuddyPress and then activate BadgeOS Group Management Addon.
    2. Achievement reports show only zeros. If I go to Active Users Report it list 2 active users (both are my accounts) and 59 total users. I however know that most of my other 59 users are active and have taken badges (which I can see under there user settings).
      >> On active user report page, There is an option to select date range that limit the results to selected range. select the date when your other users had been awarded badges and the addon will start displaying their results


    BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi Manuel

    We have double-checked the plugin and found it is working as expected, could you please elaborate the issue a bit more.

    1. What other plugins you are using with Badges and Report addon
    2. What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
    BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi Brent,

    You can use below snippet to add another parameter to the referrer links.

     * Override referring link inputs to the achivement data metabox
    function _remove_reffering_metabox() {
        remove_filter( 'badgeos_achievement_data_meta_box_fields', 'badgeos_rlt_meta_box_fields', 10, 2 );
    add_action( 'init', '_remove_reffering_metabox', 10 );
     * Add referring link inputs to the achivement data metabox
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @param  array  $fields The current fields
     * @param  string $prefix The default prefixt
     * @return array          The updated fields
    function add_badgeos_rlt_meta_box_fields( $fields, $prefix ) {
        $post_id = isset( $_GET['post'] ) ? absint( $_GET['post'] ) : 0;
        $referrer_id = badgeos_rlt_get_referrer_id( $post_id );
        // Register our new fields
        $new_fields = array(
                'id'   => $prefix . 'rlt_referring_link',
                'name' => __( 'Referring Link', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'desc' => ' '.__( 'Use this link to trigger earning of this achievement and page redirect.', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'type' => 'rlt_text_readonly',
                'std'  => $referrer_id ? add_query_arg( array(
                    'rlt' => $referrer_id,
                    'name' => 'bob'
                ), site_url() ) : __( 'Save this achievement to generate a referring link.', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'id'   => $prefix . 'rlt_outbound_url',
                'name' => __( 'Starting URL', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'desc' => ' '.__( 'URL to use for an outbound link.', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'type' => 'text_url',
                'id'   => $prefix . 'rlt_outbound_text',
                'name' => __( 'Starting Link Text', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'desc' => ' '.__( 'Text to use for an outbound link.', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'type' => 'text',
                'id'   => $prefix . 'rlt_redirect_url',
                'name' => __( 'Returning Redirect URL', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'desc' => ' '.__( 'Where to send users after they click the referring link (default: blank – this achievement\'s page).', 'badgeos-rlt' ),
                'type' => 'text_url',
        // Add our new fields just below the "earned by" field
        array_splice( $fields, 3, 0, $new_fields );
        // Return the updated fields
        return $fields;
    add_filter( 'badgeos_achievement_data_meta_box_fields', 'add_badgeos_rlt_meta_box_fields', 10, 2 );


    BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi Maethavee,

    We are unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please elaborate that a bit more.

    1. What plugins / addons are you using with badgeos?
    2. What theme are you using?
    3. What are the steps to Reproduce that issue?


    Please provide us credentials of your site and server at so that we can debug it more on your server.

    BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi Maethavee

    We have double-checked it and found working fine. Please follow below steps.

    1. Create new leaderboard
    2. Add title of the leaderboard
    3. Add maximum number of users to rank in this leaderboard
    4. Select achievement type to add default metric to use for sorting user rank
    5. Publish the post

    Shortcode to display leaderboard will be created automatically below the metric field. See the Video


    BadgeOS Support
    Post count: 87

    Hi all,

    Badgeos leaderboard addon does not offer leaderboards referring to courses, lessons, quizzes or groups. However you can customize the leaderboard display as per your wish using this filter “badgeos_leaderboard_display_leaderboard”

Viewing 6 posts - 81 through 86 (of 86 total)