Sasha Barab 2020-11-17T10:28:14-05:00

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  • Sasha Barab
    Post count: 6

    I am also having a similar problem where we have a number of messages and none are firing anymore. Any insight? I am happy to give you access or?

    the other weird thing is that when i add “challenges of a certain type” to a “mission” (both achievement types) it places the “badges” in the user earned on the admin page when the meet the mission requirements so they end up havin g the badge they earned which shows up to them, but we see all the conditions showing up as rewards that could be revoked for the user. I guess not technically broken but very weird and confusing data.

    the other weird thing is while we have about 40 challenges in the badge os reports it only lists 6.

    Sasha Barab
    Post count: 6

    1. your solution would only work if you all had the same “conditions” in both sets of the form. As it stands, once i select the multistep (necessary for your solution to have one only rewarded once the other is done) then i don’t get the same condition criteria (i.e., reviewed) down in the steps which makes no sense.

    2. in terms of the second one, i am saying that when I create one quest that has the completion of another Quest in the steps and has something else like make a friend for example, if i complete both requirements i see the make friend crossed out on my list of steps but not the other Quest even if i had completed it. It still counts in the long run but it doesn’t visibly display it as completed when looking at the steps.

    3. is there a date interval i can put, like it has to be completed between these dates?

    4. is there a short code to display a Quest that is not completed. For some reason, it only displays completed Quests not one’s in progress.

    Sasha Barab
    Post count: 6

    you can’t because whoever designed the “conditions” put different conditions in the steps then when doesn’t use steps. SO, once you require steps, then it no longer lets you use submission as a criteria as stated above.

    also, when i chose previous challenges as a step it doesn’t show that one is progressing for some reason. It only shows the crossout for steps when i use a direct criteria like posted in a forum or something. can this get fixed or am i doing something wrong?

    Sasha Barab
    Post count: 6

    is there such thing as a pre-requisite in the system … as, for example, i don’t want them to be able to be able to start/complete a badge until they have accomplished something else … i get i can do it as a step but then i lose the ability to have the completion criteria be submission …

    Sasha Barab
    Post count: 6

    thanks Michael. it worked, although the error is confusing.

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