Bucky 2020-11-17T10:28:14-05:00

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  • Bucky
    Post count: 24

    Good questions. I’m not quite sure how to found out if the css is being loaded last. I thought the child theme custom.css always had the last css calls. I’ve tried a number of selectors and haven’t been able to change the height or width. As for ajax, I know the modal requires a page reload so I don’t think ajax is involved.

    Post count: 24

    I can’t seem to figure out how to change the height and width of the modal. I know it’s one of three selectors (#TB_window, .badge-congrats-thickbox, or #TB_ajaxContent), but when I place it in my custom.css I don’t get any change. I’ve already shifted the modal down, now if I could just widen it a bit it would be suitable.

    Post count: 24

    Well I managed to relocate the modal by increasing the top value of #TB_window, which is found in the wordpress core (/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css). Not sure if that is the best of practices, but it worked. At least now the modal isn’t getting cut off at the top. I haven’t been able to locate the proper selector to increase the width of the entire modal though. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything worthwhile.

    Post count: 24

    That surprises me a little, but not entirely. I tend to scrutinize a bit. I have some handy media queries in my themes custom.css for both portrait and landscape of smartphones. Could you tell me what I should work with (classes, id’s, elements) to adjust the modal pop up position, width, and height? With that I can play around a bit and see if I can get it situated nicely.

    Post count: 24

    Okay. Thanks Michael. I’m going to spend sometime on this and see what I can figure out.

    Thanks again.

    Post count: 24

    I understand. I’m going to think about this a bit more and research some potentially helpful plugins and generators. If I choose to pursue this further I will update you in this post on what my potential roadmap is and see if you can help me out with some speed bumps. If I’m not able to produce this functionality does Badgeos offer any custom development services? And would they do a smaller scale job such as this?

    Post count: 24

    I follow you, but I would need some assistance with that custom shortcode. Good news is that I am not under any time crunch at this time. This is simply a new feauture I would like to implement on my badgeos site in the near future. Is that shortcode something you could help me with in the near future? Also, what would be an optimal storage solution for the codes in order to implement this?

    Post count: 24

    I hear ya. It was a solid 4th here in Texas. I hope you had a good 4th as well.

    I was hoping to generate the codes via plugin, but the same problem would occur from what I have researched. I would not be able to change codes after one has been used. Therefore, I’m thinking I may have to do some sort of file read in if possible, but I am not sure how to do that with web development languages. My experience as a college student so far has been with java, c, and c++. Is there a way if given a list of promo codes in a text file to read them in individually and continue through the list until reaching the bottom, making sure not to repeat codes? All of this within an Auto Message pop up.

    Or if you have any other ideas, I’m all ears.

    Having the promo code in the pop up with the ability to change dynamically with one time use per code is the tricky part. Having a universal promo code (non-changing_ would be simple.

    Post count: 24


    I got it functioning properly. Thanks to you.



    Post count: 24

    Okay. Do you mean the modal_functions.php? Also, do I comment all of the following code out or do I leave it as is?

    function badgeos_congrats_render_achievement( $achievement_id = 0 ) {

    $points = get_post_meta( $achievement_id, ‘_badgeos_points’, true );

    $output = ”;
    $output .= ‘<div class=”badgeos-congrats-achievement”>’;
    $output .= ‘<p class=”title”>’ . get_the_title( $achievement_id ) . ‘</p>’;
    $output .= ‘<div class=”image”>’ . badgeos_get_achievement_post_thumbnail( $achievement_id ) . ‘</div>’;
    $output .= ‘<div class=”content”>’;
    if ( $points ) { $output .= ‘<strong class=”points”>’ . sprintf( __( ‘%d Points’, ‘badgeos-congrats’ ), $points ) . ‘‘; }
    $output .= ‘<p>’ . get_post_meta( $achievement_id, ‘_badgeos_congratulations_text’, true ) . ‘</p>’;
    $output .= ‘<p>‘ . __( ‘View Details’, ‘badgeos-congrats’ ) .’</p>’;
    $output .= badgeos_congrats_render_send_to_credly( $achievement_id );
    $output .= ‘</div>’;
    $output .= ‘</div>’;

    return apply_filters( ‘badgeos_congrats_render_achievement’, $output, $achievement_id );

    Post count: 24


    Thanks for getting back to me. I did encounter an issue. Haha. I am in the process of learning so I may have incorrectly placed this code. I completely commented out the following function:

    function badgeos_congrats_render_achievement( $achievement_id = 0 ) {


    I then pasted your code suggestion directly under that commented function. When I tested the modal in the same fashion that I have been, it did not pop up. Did I do something incorrect?


    Post count: 24


    Update successful. Thank you for all of the help. I’m going to try and give you a few days off of my questions. Haha.

    Thanks again,

    Post count: 24


    I’m going to give it a shot, I doubt I’ll figure it out, but I’ll give it a shot. In the end displaying top badge earners may be just as good anyway.

    I have two other quick questions for you:

    1) My current Leaderboards plugin is version 1.0.6 and it shows that an update to 1.1.0 is available, but I’ll update it and it remains as 1.0.6 (although it reads successful update) and shortly after the update appears again for 1.1.0. It’s not a big deal, but I am getting a little tired of seeing the update and not being able to reach it.

    2) Nothing to do with support, but didn’t know were else to ask. Does badgeos offer internships?


    Post count: 24


    I’m pretty sure I did that correctly, but that is not what I am looking for. I do not want to list an individuals overall score. For example, I have two different achievement types: tactical skills and health & sports. I would like to create a top ten leaderboard for each of those achievement types based off of points gained by each individual in those specific achievement types. So if I (Ryan) have gained 600 points worth of achievements in tactical skills, but have overall 1300 points, I want to be ranked based off of the 600 on the tactical top ten leaderboard. Does that make sense? It’s a little difficult to put into words, because I know you get a bunch of different questions like this, but not exactly the same.


    Post count: 24


    I have done a little investing on this issue and I have found a couple things out. I don’t dabble in code often, since I am just now in the process of learning it as a computer science major and wordpress fan, but I found out that when uploading the badge image in svg format the smaller thumbnail image after selecting an achievement is uploading in the correct spot but only at width: 1px height: 1px (pretty much not visible, haha). I found that out by using the web inspect element tool. Any idea why the svg file image would go default to 1px by 1px rather than the I think 100px by 100px png format? If not, no big deal. The Badgeos plugin is already more than one could ask for, for free. My fix for now was simply to remove that image area (commented it out).


    Post count: 24


    I am uploading the images up larger and they are being scaled down. I was not specific to that in the reply above, but I am definitely doing that. Like you said that’s a must. I’m going to look into this a little more, and if I don’t make any progress I will send you a link. This is a new project site so I have a lot going on. Thank you for the quick support. You may be hearing from me again soon.


    Post count: 24


    I do not believe there are any server issues. All of my featured images upload and present as suspected except for the badges. I think the issue may be that I am using small text faces on my badges (small details) and the png file format is not capable of maintaining the quality once exported from illustrator and uploaded to wordpress. I am saving the images as 250×250 png-24 (transparent) and they are 115×115 on the site in listed achievement format. I don’t quite understand it. I just wish that the clarity was better, but if that’s how it is, then that’s how it is. I appreciate you getting back to me Michael.


    Post count: 24


    Thank you for the quick response. The only reason I used svg file format is because png is rather weak clarity wise. Should I being doing something additional to just setting the badge as the featured image? A resize or something? The clarity isn’t to good.


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