Michael 2020-09-21T10:45:23-04:00

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  • Michael
    Post count: 649

    No, the multiple instances of [badgeos_achievements_list] still doesn’t work because of the AJAX involved.

    Other shortcode types shouldn’t present much issue though, it’s just that specific one in question.

    Post count: 649

    When choosing metrics, checking the achievement types you’ve set up should sort the users by that total earned for that achievement.

    CSS can be used to adjust the boards to fit your site better. We don’t have any built in way to handle that, so you’ll need to go through the theme editor and your style.css file.

    Post count: 649

    No, not when you are wanting to access a page via mydomain.com/some-slug/ and the post type archive is at mydomain.com/some-slug/. This isn’t a limit of BadgeOS but of WordPress itself.

    Post count: 649

    I’m curious if you have a page and an achievement type using the same slug, and you’re trying to get to the one that has the shortcode, but instead you’re getting the archive for that post type.

    Post count: 649

    Which demo are you referring to?

    It’s possible you’ve stumbled onto the achievement type archive or single achievement post url, which is going to use the archive.php/single.php template files in your theme.

    Those two views are ones we don’t try to take care of in some way, leaving it to the site owner’s theme.

    Post count: 649

    I’d recommend contacting Credly/BadgeOS directly via http://badgeos.org/contact/ as they’re the primary people behind that project and would be able to offer the most immediate help regarding this.

    Post count: 649

    Deleting and reinstalling won’t do anything here. It’s an issue of data being saved to the database and re-displayed into the post itself.

    See what was said in emails as well.

    Post count: 649

    Not sure what’s going on, but none of the meta data for the achievements are saving, regardless of what I put in. I disabled all of the BadgeOS based pluigns EXCEPT BadgeOS core and it was still going on, so there is likely a conflict somewhere else.

    Due to it being a live site, we can’t just deactivate everything as is, so I’m not sure how to best proceed here. Ideally we’d have a clone of the site that’s not public that we could “deconstruct” and isolate issues with, but that’s beyond my control as well.

    Post count: 649

    email the credentials for the user to michael @ webdevstudios . com and they’ll reach me. Please also include the url to this thread so I know what it’s in reference to.

    The thread url: http://badgeos.org/support/forums/topic/learndash-badgeos-congratulations/

    Post count: 649

    “Everytiome I set a Congratualtion message on the specific Badge page, I update the page and the message disappear! Even the required steps I’m setting are disappearing as soon as I UPDATE the page!”

    This is for the achievement editing/management on the backend, correct? Not so much the actual appearance of the popup upon earning an award?

    Are you willing to provide me a temporary user that has admin access so that I can see what’s going on with this detail? I’d only need it long enough to debug, and once I’m done, you could delete the user.

    Post count: 649

    There’s not a whole lot of setup for this plugin, though I am seeing that we’re lacking in the documentation of it as well, especially the readme.txt file.

    That said, there is a setting available on YOURDOMAIN.COM/wp-admin/admin.php?page=badgeos_settings to set which achievement types should be considered potential for displaying the modal popup.

    After that, it’s pretty much all up to the code and timestamp checking on user meta for if and when to show the achievement.

    Hope that clears up some questions, but if not, let me know and I’ll do what I can to answer.

    Post count: 649

    I’ve heard worse. I’m pleasantly tickled to hear you use VIM. Worth considering seeing if you can install XDebug

    Post count: 649

    Remembered that the congrats addon has a spot that displays “send to Credly” stuff, so until told otherwise, this is a fine place.

    That said, I’m tracing my way through everything the best I can.

    It sends an ajax request that hooks into the Credly functionality from the BadgeOS core plugin and eventually traces itself to sanitize_post_field() which is WordPress core, and I have to suspect it may be part of what’s doing all the mangling of sorts that you’re seeing.

    Not sure how much of a dev setup you have where you could trace things through at a code level, but I’m curious at which point all your parts are for sure lost.

    Post count: 649

    Is this for the BadgeOS core plugin? Or the Congratulations plugin that you’re posting in the forum for? Trying to make sure I’m looking in the right place.

    Post count: 649

    To add some thoughts from our side, we feel that it’s an infrequent enough conflict to not put a lot of stress on. We may have users of just BadgeOS that would like an achievement type named “Levels” and such, and this would help them get a foot up still. Just happens to be that on occasion we also get people using PMPro at the same time, and we debug the issue at that time with that person.

    Post count: 649

    What achievement types do you have created at the moment? If I recall right, one of the achievement types that the Badgestack addon creates as an example, conflicts with PMPro post types/queries.

    Post count: 649
    in reply to: Hyper link #11489

    Is it getting mangled in the textarea that I believe is provided for a custom message? Haven’t looked at the settings in a while, and I can’t recall offhand.

    Post count: 649

    Martoni, have you checked to make sure the custom CSS you’re adding is being properly loaded with the page, and also have you checked to make sure it’s not getting overridden by other, more specific selectors?

    Post count: 649

    Forgive me, I’m still confused on some key elements.

    What’s the “BadgeOS site” in this case? Your WordPress install located at http://badges.lib.asu.edu/ ?

    I ask because if I recall correctly, what this is doing is A) Creating an account with Credly.com. B) Creating a WordPress user using the same email address and such provided to Credly.com.

    It sounds like all the already existing content you refer to is on the credly.com side of things. Correct? It is logically possible that it may have been a previously used email address in their system, and it simply wasn’t cleared out ever.

    Post count: 649

    Is this all for issues with https://credly.com itself? Or is it related to the WordPress install you have? With “BadgeOS” in this case being the WP site you have using BadgeOS

    If the first one, I have zero control or access regarding that, and https://credly.com/contact may be the best way to get in contact with someone.

    If the second one, then I’m not sure right now and would need more details.

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