Michael 2020-09-21T10:35:28-04:00

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  • Michael
    Post count: 649

    If I recall right, the popup won’t trigger until you pass the threshold. For points, they’d need to earn that many points first. For the achievement ones, I believe the user needs to earn however many achievements you set, from that achievement type in question.

    Post count: 649

    What aspect is not working? No message is popping up when the user reaches the provided threshold? Have you verified that they have met the requirements via the BadgeOS data in their WP admin user profile?

    Perhaps something else?

    Post count: 649

    I wager it is, but I haven’t done anything to where I have a paste-able snippet for you regarding the topic.

    I know the Users widget that BadgeOS core ships has some details for how to implement that could be copied for the modal popup. I also know the modal contents have a filter you could modify and add to.

    Post count: 649
    in reply to: Leaderboards error #11913

    Sounds good Ramona. Thanks for the update.

    Post count: 649

    Hopefully none of the following is too “over my head”. Feel free to ask any questions regarding it though, I’ll happily explain more where necessary.

    I’d recommend using your browser’s dev tools to inspect the popup contents and what classes are available. Another option would be to open the plugin files themselves, specifically. includes/modal-functions.php to see the markup construction.

    I do NOT recommend editing the plugin’s css file itself, but create your own css file OR add to your theme’s style.css file to have the changed values stored safely. Note you may need to make your customizations load after the plugin’s file or create stronger selectors to override specificity.

    Regarding potentially altering the markup in the popup, since you mention wanting sharing buttons, we do have the badgeos_congrats_render_achievement filter available, and it will hold the final results of the popup contents. For what it’s worth, I recommend copy/pasting the contents of the badgeos_congrats_render_achievement() function into your callback so that you can easily recreate the same markup, with your own modifications, than try to regex in/out things.

    Post count: 649
    in reply to: Awards not granted #11789

    I think I have an open issue for comments needing moderation don’t get awarded, so that one is likely a known one.

    Not sure offhand why with the login part though. Possibly cache related? Perhaps at the time of the eligibility check, the cache hadn’t updated for the user meta

    Post count: 649

    Step 3 is the only one close to what I saw with my digging last night, but hey, if it’s seemed to work, I won’t argue. Understanding why they sometimes were and weren’t is a key point though.

    Post count: 649

    Alrighty, I think I have a good grasp on what’s going on, at least for a good start. Left out the actual domain for privacy sake while still being able to leave this public for others who may come along.

    We’ll use the following two examples:

    /wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1075 — Has an achievements tab
    /wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=761 — Does not have an achievements tab

    User 1, doesn’t have any achievements awarded to them, and the code in the Community addon falls to an “else” statement that adds the tab with no sub-nav achievement displays for achievement type.

    User 2, on the other hand, has achievement data still in their user meta enough for Community Addon to think there’s something to display, thus it starts doing some queries for the achievement data and setting up the nav and sub nav tabs. At a specific point in the code, we check for the existent of a post ID. If the ID exists, we continue on and add the tab(s). However if the ID does NOT exist, we simply exit out without adding the tab(s). It’s too late for the “else” statement like for User 1, so we just do nothing.

    In the case of the two users above, it appears that User 2 did not get their data cleared out as cleanly as it should have, and the usermeta thinks they still have an achievement, one that does not actually exist any more. Because of the catch outlined, they simply don’t get the tab like they should have.

    It’s an odd spot to be in, because 1) Community Addon assumes if you have achievement usermeta, the achievements for sure exist. 2) The reset didn’t clean out your stuff like it should have, and that is a plugin I personally developed. That leaves me curious where it failed to do its own job, to be honest.

    Post count: 649

    Curious if the BuddyPress tab reordering plugin is playing a part with the issue. Not sure how live the site is, so I’m hesitant to try myself, and will leave to you to provide feedback on first.

    Post count: 649

    I’m not seeing any published achievements in the one achievement type available. Is that a new development or how it’s been since the start?

    Post count: 649

    Curious about the capital A, but if it works, it works now.

    Post count: 649

    What’s the post type they’re listed with? If not “achievement”, you should be able to edit the column to say that easily enough

    Post count: 649

    Odd, and not sure why that would happen. Just to be certain, since I know we had an old odd bug with regards to lost achievements, are they for sure not listed in the post or page listings?

    Not sure how comfy you are with the accessing your content through your database, but I’m curious if they’re still listed in the wp_posts table, somehow under a different post type.

    Post count: 649

    send a user login to michael @ webdevstudios . com

    Post count: 649

    Your achievements page slug, found at /wp-admin/post.php?post=2298&action=edit, is still clashing with the “achievements” post type.

    I temporarily renamed the page slug to “achievementss” and refreshed and got the shortcode like expected. It has since been renamed back to the clashing version for you, since I don’t have final say on solutions, and don’t know how you want to handle the clash removal at the moment.

    Post count: 649

    Heads up, I removed the user/pass from the post just for safety sake. I have them noted down elsewhere.

    Post count: 649

    Is there any way to grant me temporary credentials? Screenshots aren’t going to do much for what I intend to try and check on.

    Very much a case of what is ultimately getting queried for when visiting the URL. I still think there’s a conflict between intended page with shortcode vs archive url for the achievement’s post type.

    Post count: 649

    Do you have a link to the pages in question that I could see?

    Post count: 649

    Hmm, not sure offhand still. Best guess I have at the moment is perhaps something interfering with the queries for the section somehow, but I couldn’t say what yet.

    Post count: 649

    Have you made sure the “Profile achievements” checkbox is checked for each achievement type intended for this?

    Has the user earned any achievements yet?

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